Roberto Moro
También ha sido nombrada la psicóloga más influyente de España, con 127.000 seguidores en Twitter y 93.500 en Instagram. S.L., Financial Agent of GVC Gaesco S.V.S.A. Member of the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts and the Spanish Institute of Technical Analysts. He is a regular contributor to the media and a lecturer. He has taught Technical Analysis courses for the Autonomous Community of Madrid, financial institutions (Bankinter, Lambda, Societé General, Cortal Consors, etc... and in the training courses for obtaining the title of International Technical Analyst at Tech Rules. He is a lecturer on the Master's Degree in Financial Planning and Consultancy at the URJCI (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I, of which he was appointed Honorary Collaborator), and on the Master's Degree in Stock Exchange taught by EUDE (Escuela Europea en Dirección y Empresa), associated with the Real Centro Universitario Escorial María Cristina, attached to the UCM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).