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The 5 most influential investors

The 5 most influential investors

Surely you have a mirror to look up to in your investment landscape. In this article you will discover the stories of five people who, for one reason or another, have managed to make a name for themselves in the investment world.

Different profiles that tell us stories of success and failure, but, in any case, of a learning experience that can be very useful and inspirational.

Warren Buffett, the oracle of Omaha

Warren Buffett’s story is that of a self-made person. The son of a small-time investor who became a congressman, he was born in Omaha, Nebraska.

The hardships he endured from an early age changed his outlook on life, and he decided that what he wanted to do was get rich. He had the gumption to start selling some candy on a busy street, as he saw that he had a better chance of success.

As a teenager he bought some shares that quickly lost value, but he had the temperance to be able to wait and sell them more expensively some time later. This was one of his key lessons in becoming a shrewd person.

In 1962 he became the owner of Berkshire Hathaway, a partnership of shares in major US companies. Since then he has been investing and executing consistently winning stocks. He is the fifth richest person in the world. His keys are not to invest in things you don’t know how they work, to prefer companies with very large markets with recurrent use and loyal buyers, and in companies that do not require large investments once they are up and running.

The difference between successful people and successful people is that really successful people can say no to almost anything.

Jesse Livermore, the great bear of Wall Street

Jesse Livermore’s story is marked by a very difficult start in life, but one that leads him to learn to read very quickly and begin to soak up all kinds of financial information. At the age of 14 he has to leave home and falls into the arms of an investor.

Together with him, he starts a job as the boy who marks the prices on the blackboards at the Boston Stock Exchange. He manages to get a taste for this world and makes his first investments, which give him small profits.

But his nose doesn’t stop, and little by little he makes more and more money, so that he can move to New York and begin to make larger investments. He is said to be the trader par excellence, as he was able to make millions in one day, although he also had some heavy losses. But he always managed to bounce back. He ended his life with a pistol, having more than $5 million of 1940s dollars in assets.

“Markets are never wrong; opinions are often wrong.”

Elon Musk, number 1 on the Forbes list

This person is still in the news, even though he was born into an environment of abundance. He started doing business at a very young age, programmed a game at the age of 12 and managed to sell it. He has a very restless mentality, but he has a solid university education and a very high IQ, around 150.
His first company was a website maintenance company in the mid-1990s, and he managed to sell it for 300 million dollars.

It was the start of a career that was destined to be totally successful.

He is the co-founder and director of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink and The Boring Company, all technology companies. He has tried to take control of Twitter, but has not yet given up. He is the richest person in the world according to the Forbes list.

Great companies are built on great products”.

Ingeborg Mootz, the grandmother trader

Perhaps one of the most incredible stories and a success story worthy of study. This German woman led a normal, ordinary life as a housewife, with the problem that her husband would not let her do practically anything, including work.

When he died, when she was 75 years old, she discovered that her husband had quite a few shares in the company where he had worked. She therefore began the task of gathering information, studying, analysing and selling. She was not resigned to being a person who was going to live on her husband’s pension, but her time had come and she was going to dedicate herself to making a profit.

And she succeeded, in just eight years she made a return of €500,000. Ingeborg is a trader who does not keep up with the times, as she did not initially use the Internet, only the financial information in the newspapers, which she analysed conscientiously.

According to her, she is driven by her woman’s intuition, but there is no doubt that her excellent analytical work always leads her to take actions that she ends up winning.

My strategy is simple: I buy low and sell high.

Richard Dennis, the father of turtles

The case of Richard Denis is worthy of study. Born in Chicago in 1949, at the age of 21 he borrowed $1600, which he turned into $200 million in the short space of 10 years.

He is convinced that Ttading is an activity that can be learned, and for which no special requirements are necessary, only study and perseverance. When he was already a successful trader, and on his return from a trip to Singapore, he recruited a group of 13 people whom he trained for two weeks in Chicago. He called them the turtles, and gave them accounts with real money. Thanks to his instructions, these thirteen investors made a total return of $175 million.

The turtles’ nickname came from the fact that he had seen turtles bred in Singapore for production, and he gave the trainee traders the same treatment.

Trading decisions should be made as unemotionally as possible.

These 5 very different profiles of influential investors can serve as inspiration, as well as to acquire a culture that we can apply in any area of our lives.

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