Hello trader! or future trader… I am Francisca Serrano, and I want to ask you a straightforward question today: do you know anything about trading? Or, are you interested in it but have no idea how to get started? Post me a comment on this blog! I want to help you focus on this path.
And precisely in response to these questions, I am writing this article today – to tell you how you can start studying trading from scratch, even if you have no idea where to start or have not seen a stock market graph in your life. Well let’s get started! But before starting, subscribe to our website and our YouTube channel because the content that I share with you will also help you to understand this whole world of investment in the stock exchange.
Let’s do this!
Can I learn to trade without having any prior knowledge?
Absolutely YES. You don’t have to be an economist or a financial genius. I was neither one thing nor the other when I started and look at me now.
Anyone who is interested and motivated enough to dedicate effort to become a trader can achieve it over time.
Is now a good time to start trading?
This is just like when you wonder if it is a good time to start doing sports. Is sport going to benefit you in the long-term? Yes! That’s right: you’ve already answered the question.
Learning trading, at least for me, is an investment in the future, either as a plan B that helps to supplement your income or as plan A. In the long term, for some, there is the possibility to be able to make a full-time income from trading. This could allow you to change an unfulfilling work situation.
So, YES, from my point of view it is always a good time to learn how to obtain financial gain from the markets.
Where should I start if I don’t know anything about investment?
The first thing you should do is research several things:
1. What trading is
2. What results could you get if you dedicate time to it?
3. What are the best resources to train properly as a trader?
4. What steps should you follow to have a career as a trader
If you do not know anything about the subject, investigating these 4 points in depth will be the seeds from which you will start to gain more confidence and knowledge.
Note: I don’t know if you are reading about me for the first time but I recommend my book “Move your savings, and earn a salary”; Probably the cheapest way of knowing if this is for you.
Why do some people say that trading is not understood by anyone or that it is a scam?
Some people do raise this idea: “trading is a scam” … or “it is so complex. No one understands it” … Let’s see …
Is being a surgeon a scam? Paying 6 years’ degree fees (plus extra training) to learn how to treat or operate on people, even if there is a risk of failure and death, is it a scam? Nobody in their right mind could say such nonsense …
A similar thing happens with trading. You will pay money to train and dedicate a lot of time to learn, to later become skilled at managing the markets (even though there is still the risk of losing). There are no guarantees but IT IS NOT A SCAM. It’s a race.
And just as the doctor spends years studying and practicing to do his job well, the trader does the same. It is not that “nobody understands trading” it is that it takes COMMITMENT and many, many hours of effort to do it effectively.
And remember, not everyone can be a doctor or a trader … of course. Only those who immerse themselves achieve it!
Will I end up understanding the graphics even though they sound double Dutch to me?
YES! Going back to the example from before …
During the first year at university, does the medical student know how to quickly and completely interpret an x-ray? Probably not. But in the end, after studying and practicing, the student ends up being able to make a rapid diagnosis.
Well, the same thing happens to the trader. At first, you will not know what so many stripes, bars, and numbers mean. But with effort and practice, you will end up interpreting the movements almost instinctively.
My recommendation is that you focus on training in technical analysis, psicotrading, and finding a mentor to guide you, whom you can also see operating live. At the very beginning, you will have to able to apply and develop knowledge – improve it and master it in demo after demo.
At Canal Trader we train you from the most basic level so that your training is comprehensive from the beginning
Who starts trading, does it from the ground up. From a basic level, learning a method solidly from scratch so that you end up mastering it.
You should avoid the bad practices and rookie mistakes that come from insufficient and poor training
Only starting from 0 and learning from your mistakes, while being guided along the way, can you become profitable.
You must take all the tools and knowledge from your mentor and then develop as a trader in the area that interests you most. There are conservative traders with few entries per year; Others have a moderate profile, and if you are aggressive then you will be active daily.
And of course, something fundamental for a newly started student is the supervision and support of experienced teachers. At Canal Trader we place a lot of emphasis on this help, and that is why we have tutorials and support videos for those who are approaching the wonderful world of trading for the first time.
If you have not started yet, let me invite you to take our free course. If you work from home with a personal computer, an Internet connection and some spare income to invest; It could be a good side-hustle to start with.
Contestants in our program had different levels of learning; but during the time we were together we mentored them, we made them work hard, we guided them and you will see the results at the end of the talent show.
Dear future trader, you can become a trader too, as long as you want it and fight for it! It is not easy. Becoming a stock shark takes time but living on an extra salary is a matter of learning.
Being a profitable trader is a complex and difficult goal to achieve, I will not lie to you. But I have more than proven, throughout my years as a trainer, that even the most inexperienced can get there with hard work.
I encourage you to start trading if you feel with all your heart that it could be your future and it’s something you’re passionate about.
And if you want you can count on us, Canal Trader will be there to help you and guide you in any way we can.
I say goodbye to the next article where I hope to see you excited willing to learn and go for it!
Take care and see you next time!
Trading is not for everyone. It is a risk. It is rewarding. You must be prepared for the unpredictable, and for that the best thing to do is to study with the best trading teachers. Stock Market and Trading for Dummies](https://canaltrader.com/master-classes-trading/)
Francisca Serrano Ruiz
Director of Canal Trader school